/Caring for Senior Cats

Caring for Senior Cats

As our beloved kitties age, there are many changes they will experience. Just like people every kitty ages differently, some will be 17 years going on 9 and some will be 9 in years and 17 in body age.

Common changes you may notice as cats age are:Senior cats need special care

  • Confusion (getting trapped in corners or forgetting the location of the litter box)
  • Increased attention seeking (or less commonly, aggression)
  • Increased irritability or anxiety • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Forgetting commands (yes, there are a few cats in the world who follow them)
  • Loss of housetraining
  • Reduced activity
  • Decreased grooming

Common health issues in senior cats include:

  • Arthritis
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Hyperthyroid
  • Hearing loss
  • Benign and cancerous tumors

Steps you can take to ease and decrease the signs of aging:

  • Feed a diet high in antioxidants
  • Keep your cat mentally and physically active
  • Maintain a consistent routine in your household
  • Provide a soft bed
  • Consider adding a small heating pad to your kitty’s bed (used only under your supervision to prevent fires and burns)
  • Make sure the litterbox and favorite sunning spots are ‘handicap’ accessible with low openings and few stairs, as appropriate
  • Provide routine veterinary care with twice annual exams. Many of the diseases that can affect senior cats can be treated or managed, and catching them early increases your cats’ chances of having a longer, higher quality life.
2020-03-11T16:40:25-07:00 August 6th, 2013|Caregiver Tips|