/Do you know the recommended feline vaccine protocol?

Do you know the recommended feline vaccine protocol?

Here are guidelines on vaccinating and revaccinating your kitty against the most common diseases. It is important to remember to vaccinate – and boost – your cat’s vaccines at the appropriate times(s).

Vaccines help to protect against specific infectious diseases caused by some viruses and bacteria. Vaccination stimulates the immune system to destroy the organism and “remember” it so that in can fight the invading foreign infection again if necessary in the future. It is important to remember that some diseases are easier to vaccinate against that others, and that some vaccines confer a greater level of immunity against disease than others. For example, vaccination is very effective against feline parvovirus (panleukopenia), but does not completely protect against respiratory virus infections. However, cats vaccinated against respiratory infections generally have milder illnesses when exposed to the same disease vectors than they would have if they were not vaccinated and had not been previously exposed and developed some immunity to the disease.

Kitten Vaccination Schedule

2020-03-11T16:42:35-07:00 November 21st, 2013|Caregiver Tips|