/You Are All Amazing…A Sincere Thank You

You Are All Amazing…A Sincere Thank You

You are all amazing.

Thanks to you, we raised an unprecedented $13,300
in less than 30 days.

More than 130 of you donated!  Wonderful. 

While we didn’t win the Saving Pets Challenge, we still bring home all of the online donations that you all so lovingly contributed during the month of October.  My husband Mark and I (along with our entire clinic staff) – we were all absolutely touched by how you all rallied. We were especially moved by how you memorialized so many kitties.


Here are some of the “goodbyes” that you memorialized by giving to our Crowdrise challenge:

  • Last Year, in September & October, we lost Cobweb and Fluffy. They were honored at last year’s altar. In November we lost Candy and Ronnie – a truly devastating few months. This year we chose to honor them. As with all our passed on kids, Candy and Ronnie have left a hole in our hearts. I thank FixNation for giving us the chance to honor them so beautifully.
  • In memory of our animals and our families who taught us to love and respect all God’s creatures.
  • In memory of Lou Ellen: Lou Ellen was a little stray cat that lived near us and over time we got to know. She brought so much joy to our lives. And when she left us, she opened our hearts and created awareness and compassion for many of the other community cats that live in the surrounding area and are in need.

Thank you again for financial gifts, for giving of your memories, and for sharing in this great adventure we’re on to END the homeless kitty epidemic in Los Angeles.
With MORE Gratefulness Than I Can Express,

P.S. This goes without saying – but we are ESPECIALLY GRATEFUL for how our dear friend Morgan Fairchild shared her story to spur on this Giving Challenge. THANK YOU MORGAN!!

(image by Avard W)

2020-04-09T10:12:50-07:00 November 18th, 2014|News and Events|