/Caregiver Tips

Get tips on the basics (and not so basic topics) of feral and pet cat care to help your favorite felines live long and healthy lives.

Holiday Shopping Guide: Top Toys for Cats

In all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, let’s not forget our little furry companions. FixNation’s certified cat behaviorist Mirian Hasani says, “Encourage your kitty to play and have fun. It enriches their lives and is very important for their mental, emotional and physical well-being.” Here are Mirian’s suggestions for what toys to get – and to avoid – for all the kitties on your gift list: STUFFED TOYS Look for toys that are soft and washable. Smaller stuffed toys are great if your cat likes to carry them around. If they like to wrestle, get them a [...]

2019-03-19T09:13:23-07:00 December 13th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

4th of July Fireworks and Your Cat

Independence Day is fast approaching, a holiday that many Americans love and most cats detest. The sound of fireworks can be very frightening for animals, particularly cats with their highly sensitive ears. Here are some tips to make the 4th less stressful for everyone: Keep your cat inside the evening of the fireworks. Check windows and flap doors to ensure they are securely closed. If your cat isn’t microchipped, make sure he is wearing a collar with ID tags, just in case your cat escapes, gets scared and runs away. Most cats will hide in a safe place, such as [...]

2020-02-07T07:24:46-08:00 July 1st, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

Going Outside the (Litter) Box – Part 2

Unlike spraying, urination outside the box is NOT a natural behavior for a cat –it’s a sign that something’s not right. If you have a cat that pees on one side of the box, on the bed or the carpet, the very first thing that you must do is schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions. Ninety five percent of urination outside the box has an underlying medical issue, such as FLUTD, Cystitis, Hyperthyroidism (older cats), diabetes mellitus, IBD and many more. In such medical conditions, the cat usually stops using the litter box because [...]

2020-04-07T13:20:08-07:00 May 3rd, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

4 Common Reasons Cats & Kittens are Abandoned After a Foreclosure

Written by Guest Blogger, Simon Campbell While cats continue to be the most popular pet in U.S. households, it’s a sad reality that cases of cat and kitten abandonment are underreported and often go unreported altogether. Compassionate pet lovers may be quick to point fingers at owners who leave their pets behind, but when it comes to those facing foreclosure, the reasons for abandonment can be complicated to unravel. Families with felines often feel like abandonment is their last and best option and typically exhaust other resources before taking this last, most drastic, step. Here we review the top four [...]

2020-02-07T14:01:49-08:00 March 15th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

In the Can: Canned Food Options for Your Feline Friend

How many of cat owners love their pet’s peculiarities? Your cat might like a certain spot in the sun, for example, or may only want to drink water out of a certain bowl. It’s what makes them loveable. That specificity may also relate to food: Your cat’s wet food preferences may be hard to discern, but it’s worthwhile to figure it out. For one, not all cat food is the same when it comes to texture. Some are more uniform and shredded-like, while others resemble morsels—perhaps ones that remind you of dry food, too. If you decide to feed your [...]

2020-02-07T14:02:15-08:00 March 12th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

Improper Elimination – Part 1 – Spraying

Written by Cat Behaviorist, Mirian Hassani With improper elimination, we have two categories: Spraying and Urination outside the litter box. It is very important to figure out which of the two we are having to deal with, as they are quite different and the solutions are too. Let’s talk about SPRAYING First and foremost, the act of spraying is a very NATURAL marking behavior for the cats. It is a communication tool. Of course, we as humans do not like it, as we have to deal with the odor and the cleaning. It is of interest to mention that the [...]

2020-02-07T14:18:32-08:00 March 8th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

First Time Pet Owner? How to Be a Great Pet Parent

Written by Guest Blogger, Jessica Brody Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Jonas Vincent The first few days, weeks, or months after bringing home a new pet are a special time. This is a time of transition and bonding. Many pet owners develop deep bonds with their pets and think of them more as “children” than pets. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that there are differences between children and pets and that there will always be some confusion for both you and your pet at times. Here are some tips that can help any first-time pet [...]

2020-02-07T14:16:45-08:00 March 8th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

5 Easy Ways to Show Homeless Cats Some Love 

Put out fresh food and water for homeless cats on a regular basis.  Life can be hard when you’re living on the streets and don’t know where your next meal will come from. There are thousands of “feeders” throughout Los Angeles who are a lifeline for hungry homeless kitties. Join us! Learn about TNR and bring stray kitties to get fixed at FixNation. It’s free and super easy. Just fill out an application and register for a free training session. We’ll loan you a humane trap and provide lots of helpful information on how to trap and exactly what to do [...]

2020-12-28T07:43:13-08:00 February 13th, 2017|Caregiver Tips, Support Our Cause|

Separation Anxiety and Your Cat

Contrary to popular beliefs, cats can and do suffer from separation anxiety. When you’re away at work, doing errands or taking a vacation, your cat may become overly anxious and stressed. You know you’ll be back soon, but your cat doesn’t. How do you know if your cat is suffering from separation anxiety? Some signs include: Spraying Urinating/defecating on bed and clothing Scratching furniture Inappropriate chewing Damaging planters Excessive self-grooming Refusing to eat while you’re away Increased vocalization and clinginess before you leave and after you return Some guardians think their cat is mad and getting “even” or is mean-spirited. [...]

2020-04-07T13:21:03-07:00 February 11th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

What to do if your cat or kitten gets a bee sting

by Leigh Marcos Bee stings are not unusual occurrences when kittens play outdoors. If your pet is stung by a bee, there are certain things you have to know before attempting bee sting relief at home. The first step is to confirm if your kitten has been, indeed, bitten by a bee. Watch out for physical symptoms such as swelling or inflammation. The paws and noses are common areas for bee stings. You can also observe the behavior of pets such as restlessness, nervousness and loud noises. Next, you have to determine what type of insect bit your feline friend. [...]

2020-02-07T14:23:32-08:00 November 5th, 2016|Caregiver Tips|