/The Ultimate Fairy Tale: Meet Prince Scrappy Cat

The Ultimate Fairy Tale: Meet Prince Scrappy Cat

September 22, 2010
By Melinda Dozal

It was my husband who first informed me that there was a “scraggly-looking cat” outside our door early one morning. I immediately ran outside and there he was. A sick, malnourished, skin and bones of a cat who was covered with scabs. It just broke my heart! He looked awful. I immediately gave him some food and water. Since he would let me pet him, scabs and all, I determined at that point that he was a sweet cat. He was not feral. He was a friendly stray who was lost, and had obviously been on the streets for a while.

I immediately emailed FixNation to see if I could bring him in for an appointment. Given the state of his affairs, they were kind enough to get me in the next day. So I scooped him up, put him in the carrier, brought him inside and then took him to FixNation the next morning.

When I picked him up from FixNation later that day, the staff informed me of his condition: Mange. They explained to me that while the mange was causing him to look incredibly scabby and swollen, mange is actually easily treated with medication (Revolution) and good nutrition. They asked me if I would be willing to nurse him back to health, to which I said certainly! He can recoup in my new, cheery, bright hot pink sewing room!!!

So I brought him home, and have since named him Prince Scrappy Cat. He has been my patient now for the last three weeks. What an incredible transformation I have witnessed. He is doing wonderfully! His scabs have healed, the swelling on his head has gone down and he has gained some weight (he has a voracious appetite). Every time I go into my sewing room, he cries out for me in this raspy, squeaky meow! He loves it when I sit on the floor with him. He snuggles onto my lap and purrs, and he does his happy paws and falls asleep.

I have no clue how he found me. I often joke that when cats are looking for food, they go on their little cat computer and my name is probably Googled in there somewhere as “Lover of Cats…free food at Melinda’s!” I think an angel was definitely looking over his shoulder, though. I wish he could tell me how he got like this, if only cats could talk, if only!

And now, the next step is to find him a forever home, so that Prince Scrappy Cat never has to be “scrapping” on the streets again!

If you are interested in adopting Prince Scrappy Cat, please email INFO@fixnation.org and we will connect you with Melinda.

2012-04-03T14:43:28-07:00 September 27th, 2010|Happy Tails|