/Contest Winner: I’m a trap and release kinda cat lady

Contest Winner: I’m a trap and release kinda cat lady

Congratulations to Jenna Allen who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy’s Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition!

fluffy 1My story begins 5 years ago when we bought our house. There was an above ground pool and rotting deck in the backyard and a pregnant cat was living under the house. She soon gave birth to a litter of three kittens. I found about FixNation shortly after that and went about trapping the momma and her kittens. By the time I had caught all of them and a couple more from the neighborhood (it seems some other Toms wanting in on the fixing action!), one of the kittens, the only female had herself a litter as well. Since I am a trap and release kinda cat lady, I went about catching them as well. Five years later, the original momma cat (we still call her Momma), one of her litter (a male we call Fluffy) and one from the second litter (we call him Tiger) still live in my backyard. The pool and deck have since been removed but we have left up my kids playhouse that they no longer use for rainy times and I still feed them faithfully every day! We call them our outdoor cats, although they won’t let us get more than a couple of feet of them! But they are loyal which is funny! One of our other cats (we have 4 indoor cats) fell into the neighbor’s yard and couldn’t get back over the fence and Fluffy stayed by him meowing until we figured it out!

fluffy 2


2015-12-16T20:16:07-08:00 November 28th, 2015|Happy Tails|