/Coronavirus and Your Pets

Coronavirus and Your Pets

There has been some confusion surrounding animals and covid-19. Here is some guidance on ways to keep you and your pet safe. In the weeks ahead we’ll be updating our advice to make sure people can continue to look after their pets safely.

Can I catch Coronavirus from my pet?

COVID-19 is a zoonotic virus believed to have mutated from bats to infect humans. New reports are indicating that the virus can be transmitted from human to pets (cat & ferrets) although no such cases have been reported in the US. The USDA has stated that there is “no evidence that any person has been infected with COVID-19 in the U.S. by animals, including by pet dogs or cats.”

If you or a family member becomes ill, you are encouraged to practice the same self-isolation from your pets as you would other family members. If an animal is touched by someone with the virus then there is the potential it can be spread should someone else come in to contact with that animal, in the same way as touching any infected surface. 

If I get sick can I still take care of my pet?

If you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 and are alone in your household, continue caring for your pet as you usually would. If you are in a shared household with family or roommates, you should isolate from your animals in the same way you would isolate from housemates — or choose to have your pet isolate with you. 

Please make sure you have plenty of food and other essential items such as cat litter or bedding for your animal in case you do need to self-isolate. 

Can I catch it from wild animals?

As wild animals generally do not have contact with humans, there is very little risk of catching Covid-19 from a wild animal. 

What if someone I know has a pet and they have Covid-19?

If someone you know is displaying symptoms, then we would recommend they limit contact with their pet. If they are too unwell to care for their animal we would suggest exploring the option of having someone else take care of them during this time. 

What if I need to take my pet to the vet for another unrelated issue?

If you are self-isolating then you should not come in to contact with anyone in that time. If your pet needs to visit the vet, then contact your vet in the first instance via phone for advice and  arrange for someone else to take your animal to them if needed, ensuring that hands are washed before and after contact and other hygiene measures are in place.

If I have Covid-19, can I still take my dog out for a walk?

If you are showing signs of having Covid-19 then you should be isolating and wearing a mask at all times. Try to arrange for someone else to walk your dog. If this is not possible, keep walks to a minimum, try to find time during the day when there are fewer people around, and be sure to wear your mask and follow distancing and hygiene guidance.

The person walking your dog should limit contact with your pet to avoid spreading the disease through contact and should adhere to strict hygiene measures. Ensure your pets’ walking accessories are wiped clean regularly before and after they leave the house. 

If I’m self-isolating or have symptoms, should I let my cat outside?

If you have an outdoor cat, don’t try to restrict their access to outside but if possible restrict access to the garden only, often cats don’t venture far.

If you know that your cat is used to making long trips and visiting other people’s homes, we suggest you try and restrict your cat doing this as much as possible. We would suggest purchasing a litter tray to encourage your cat to toilet inside. If it’s not possible, limit contact with your cat when it returns home and wash all accessories regularly with detergent.

If someone in your house is not sick, they should be the primary caregiver.

Strict hygiene measures should be followed. Ensure hands are washed before and after any contact. All bowls and accessories should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly with detergent.

Can my children still play with their pets?

If no one in your home is exhibiting symptoms, continue to play with, snuggle, and interact with your pets as usual. This is a difficult time for and animal companionship is an important source of stress relief and joy.

2020-04-18T18:16:28-07:00 April 9th, 2020|Caregiver Tips, Featured|