/A cat, dog, pig, and a llama walk into…

A cat, dog, pig, and a llama walk into…

by Dali Colorado

On Saturday, April 7th, FixNation had the opportunity to join the annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony at Olvera Street / La Placita in Downtown Los Angeles.

The ceremony is held annually, typically on Easter Sunday but also the Saturday prior, and has been a tradition since 1930.  On this beautiful and sunny Saturday, over 2000 people crowded the streets surrounding the Church and Plaza at Olvera Street to celebrate their animals and get them blessed by Cardinal Roger Mahony. This blessing, some believe, will bring their animal’s good health throughout the year.

Prior to the Blessing Ceremony, a procession traveled down Los Angeles Street and around Olvera Plaza, lead by a cow, decorated in flowers. It is said that this cow leads the procession because it is she that brings most to humanity.  A bazaar of animals followed her, including various farm animals, snakes, lizards, birds, dogs, cats and even insects!  (Be sure to check out event photos, below.)

In the main plaza area, FixNation had an outreach table alongside other local animal welfare organizations. We spent the day talking with festival goers about our mission and the importance of spay and neuter and TNR. It was a fun day had by all!

Join FixNation in spreading the word at fun, community events like the Blessing of the Animals.  Email volunteer@fixnation.org to get started!


2013-02-20T15:00:40-08:00 April 25th, 2012|News and Events|