/Ann Marie Jones | Volunteer of the Month, Feb 2013

Ann Marie Jones | Volunteer of the Month, Feb 2013

I started volunteering with Catnippers ten years ago and became a volunteer at FixNation three years ago after I retired from the City of Los Angeles. Today, I live with two cats, one of whom I adopted from FixNation. I love cats!Volunteer of the Month, Ann Marie Jones, and FixNation Board Member, Jackson Galaxy

1.       Name: Ann Marie Jones

2.       City and neighborhood:  Glendale, Adams Hill

3.       Years volunteering at FN:  3 years

4.       What brought you to want to volunteer for FN?:  I had just retired from the City of Los Angeles and I wanted to keep busy. I had been a volunteer with Catnippers since 2002 so volunteering with FN seemed a perfect fit.

5.       What is your favorite thing about volunteering at FN?:  I like to feel like I’m doing something useful. It makes feel good to know that were making a difference in the lives of so many cats and their caregivers.

6.       Favorite viral cat video?  There are so many great ones, it’s hard to pick just one!

2013-04-26T09:41:43-07:00 February 15th, 2013|Happy Tails|