Contest Winner: I started with a colony of 4

2015-11-19T18:16:16-08:00 November 7th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Congratulations to Michelle Garcia who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition! I care for a colony of 4 cats. Last summer two more adult cats showed up.  I trapped them and brought them in to FixNation. The wonderful staff were great and helped me. They told me that the female had recently given birth.  Oh no just the thing I was trying to avoid. Then two weeks later I saw two kittens in the back yard. I was [...]

Contest Winner: Cats find me

2015-11-19T18:14:52-08:00 November 6th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Congratulations to Emily Barclay Ford who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition! I have had kitties my whole life. My family was a rescue family… We always had a cornucopia of rescue dogs and cats in Oklahoma. When I went off to college in California, of course a stray showed up at my boyfriend’s apartment. Because we couldn’t keep pets, I ended up having my mother fly Ollie home to Oklahoma where he [...]

Contest Winner: The Romar Roamers

2015-11-19T18:13:47-08:00 November 5th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Congratulations to Shicana Allen who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition! My name is Shicana and I am a feeder. Unexpectedly and to my own amazement, I went from having no cats (after my last feline Ajna passed away three years ago) to feeding and housing a colony of ten…or whomever happens to wander by and needs a snack on any particular day. Here on Romar Street in Northridge, my neighbor Judy—the other cat [...]

Contest Winner: CeCe and Abbey

2015-11-19T18:12:54-08:00 November 4th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Congratulations to Mindy Norris who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition! My neighbor and I trap and release the community cats in the ELMM (Ed, Laura, Mindy, Melissa) colony located in northeast Pasadena, California. Our very first attempt resulted in trapping Bobbie, the "queen mom" as we call her. She was quickly lured with tuna and we got her! However, we realized she was pregnant and, not being very experienced trappers at the time, [...]

Contest Winner: Her Feral Angels

2015-11-19T18:11:55-08:00 November 3rd, 2015|Happy Tails|

Congratulations to Karen Paton who won a free outdoor shelter for their colony cats and a bottle of Feral Flower Essence from FixNation board member Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences line through FixNation’s National Feral Cat Day story competition! Over twenty years ago my mother began her dedication to loving and caring for her feral colony outside her home. My mother will turn 91 years old this April and has advanced dementia. She however reminds me when it is time to feed her fur babies outside. I believe she knows each one of them and sits in her chair and waits [...]

The Mystique of Black Cats

2015-12-16T20:44:02-08:00 October 31st, 2015|Happy Tails|

How did black cats come to be associated with Halloween? It may date back to the ancient Egyptians, who worshipped black cats and considered them sacred (something cats have to this day never forgotten). Cats were so highly revered by the Egyptians, in fact, that killing one was punishable by death and temple priests interpreted their every move as a prophecy. The Egyptians also had a cat-headed goddess named Bastet who ruled the night, and many Egyptian households kept black cats as pets to gain her favor. In more modern times, Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull in 1232 [...]

Halloween Tips for Cats

2020-03-11T16:39:00-07:00 October 31st, 2015|Caregiver Tips|

Halloween can be an especially stressful time for cats. Here are some tips to keep them comfortable and safe: Don’t dress your cat in a Halloween costume, now matter how cute they might look in it. They will not enjoy the experience! Instead, opt for something less constrictive and stress-inducing, like a fun skull and crossbones collar. To prevent painful burns and possible house fires, use only battery powered flameless candles or keep your animals far away from any lighted candles. If you open your door to give out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween, your cat might manage to slip [...]

Fun Facts About Black Cats

2015-12-17T10:44:51-08:00 October 30th, 2015|Happy Tails|

As anyone acquainted with a black cat knows, our ebony feline friends are truly wonderful and loving creatures. But did you know that pure black cats are very rare? Most have a few white hairs somewhere on their body. Here are some more fun facts about black cats: Fishermen and sailors traditionally believed that having a black cat onboard ensured a safe journey home. (Bonus: fewer rats, too!) English sailors in particular believed that keeping their onboard cat happy would ensure good weather at sea, and would watch how the cat groomed himself to foretell the weather. 18th-century pirates had [...]

Whiskers in the Moonlight: Kicking up heels for a cause

2015-10-21T13:18:52-07:00 October 21st, 2015|News and Events|

This summer’s Whiskers in the Moonlight concert brought out the best of LA’s music lovers and cat advocates for a night of fun under the stars. The setting couldn’t have been more beautiful in the open-air courtyard of the famous Autry in Griffith Park. As guests nibbled on vegan tacos and drank wine or beer, the party got underway with Morgan Fairchild as Mistress of Ceremonies, and a special video message from FixNation friend and Board Member, Jackson Galaxy. The three acts, Podunk Poets, Eileen Carey, and The Carl Verheyen Band got a few brave souls on their feet for [...]

Dedicated To The Ones We’ve Loved: FixNation’s 6th Annual Day of the Dead Altar, October 24

2020-03-11T16:42:09-07:00 October 8th, 2015|News and Events|

FixNation participated in Los Angeles’ annual Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Celebration at the famous Hollywood Forever cemetery, held this year on Oct. 24. Co-founder Karn Myers and her dedicated team created an amazing interactive altar in honor of lost and deceased cats. The popular altar was also a chance to educate the public about FixNation’s work on behalf of the untold numbers of homeless, stray and feral cats still living amongst us in LA. This was FixNation’s 6th appearance at the Day of the Dead event, and we are proud to be the only animal welfare [...]