Crawford Colony: A neighborhood effort to help their cats

2020-03-11T16:39:04-07:00 October 8th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Close your eyes and imagine it: A colony of feral cats living in your neighborhood. Day after day they appear, malnourished, breeding and uncared for. A compassionate person notices them; a person with a tender heart. She knows they are souls with heartbeats, and that these kitties matter, but she doesn’t quite know what to do about them. Now open your eyes and look at this picture. There must have been close to 16 community cats residing in Debbie and John Parish’s yard and neighborhood. After being trained at FixNation, they decided to try to help this colony and do some [...]

National Feral Cat Day-October 16

2020-03-11T16:39:10-07:00 October 1st, 2015|News and Events|

In celebration of National Feral Cat Day, FixNation will build and donate outdoor cat shelters to 20 lucky colony caregivers. Each shelter will be customized with a personal message for the colony and will be accompanied by one free bottle of Jackson Galaxy’s Spirit Essences Feral Flower Formula. Winners will be chosen based on individual submissions of funny or heartwarming stories from their colony or TNR experiences. Stories should be submitted via FixNation’s Facebook page ( prior to October 16th when we will begin announcing two winners per day for 10 days! Our feral friends lead a life of uncertainty [...]

Buying Groceries? Support FixNation with your Purchases!

2020-04-09T10:11:05-07:00 August 26th, 2015|Support Our Cause|

RENEW or REGISTER your Rewards Card today!  Every time you shop at Ralph's or Food4Less, 1% - 4% of what you spend on groceries will be donated to FixNation! WEBSITE REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU ARE ALREADY AN ONLINE CUSTOMER: 1.      Log in to 2.      Click Sign In 3.      Enter your email address and password 4.      Click on ‘My Account’ (In the top right hand corner) 5.      View all your information and edit as necessary 6.      Link your card to your organization by clicking on: a.      Community Rewards b.      Edit my community contribution & follow the instructions c.      Remember to click on the circle to the left of your organizations’ name [...]

Catalina Cats Mission: A village comes together to help cats

2016-05-31T10:37:15-07:00 August 15th, 2015|Happy Tails|

You might think small things can’t make a big difference, but it’s been our experience at FixNation that small actions are often the beginning of huge change for animals. Our Catalina Cats Mission is no exception. It all started with a Facebook post. That’s right, something as little and commonplace as a social media post got the ball rolling. A kind, feline-loving, Good Samaritan named Alicia posted a message about wanting to help cats on the California island of Catalina. She had been visiting there when she learned about its large feral population, and the few people willing to help [...]

Featured Volunteer: Heather Smith

2015-10-15T10:04:17-07:00 August 4th, 2015|News and Events|

With five rescues of her own plus a colony of friendly ferals to care for, it’s clear that Heather Smith has a genuine passion for homeless cats. Her friends even refer to the street she lives on as “Black Cat Lane” due to several feral kitties who have happily made a home there. Heather was introduced to FixNation and TNR back in 2014, when she and a neighbor trapped three cats living in her back garden. “We followed the detailed FixNation instructions to the letter, and within five minutes of setting out the traps we had the mama cat in [...]

Shiloh: Light at the end of the tunnel

2015-10-15T10:04:13-07:00 August 4th, 2015|Happy Tails|

Maggie P. had a rough couple of years – death, crises, and a painful breakup. She moved into her own place in the Valley and left her cats with her ex while they tried to figure out what to do about their beloved pets. But then the unthinkable happened. Shilo, their "number one son,” bolted out the front door. He’d done that a few times in the past, stay out for a night, and then come home slinking back the next morning for breakfast. They’d punish him with kisses and promise to watch the door more closely. But this time [...]

Featured Volunteer: Kim Reed

2015-07-06T12:57:23-07:00 July 6th, 2015|News and Events|

Kim Reed is a TNR superhero. She is responsible for saving these kittens during one of the recent TNR Project trapping nights coordinated by our amazing FixNation friend, Joe Federico.  These seven kittens were plucked out of a junkyard in Irwindale. There had been several SOS calls from the facility, as it is unfortunately a dumping ground for many animals. With the help of people who had been rescuing and pulling dogs from this site for years now, feeding stations were set up to get a tally on how many cats were at the facility as well as a regular routine [...]

The Story of Beans, Blanket, and Barney

2020-03-11T16:39:33-07:00 July 6th, 2015|Happy Tails|

It all begins with a pregnant community cat who chose what she thought was a safe spot to give birth to her kittens – a large storm drain on an MTA parking lot!  The problem would soon be clear: how could she possibly get these kittens out of this 4 foot deep box, especially with an impending rain forecasted for LA? Enter an extraordinary CATS Inc. foster and trapper who heard about these kittens, and with a little help was able to remove the manhole cover. She descended into the sewer system herself to catch these babies.  Dirty, covered with [...]

Whiskers in the Moonlight – July 25, 2015

2015-08-05T08:08:15-07:00 May 8th, 2015|News and Events|

Join FixNation for "Whiskers in the Moonlight," a charity music event featuring world-renowned guitar-player Carl Verheyen, country-music singer/songwriter Eileen Carey, and local sensation The Podunk Poets, on July 25th at The Autry in Griffith Park. Actress Morgan Fairchild will host the event, with additional celebrities, artists, and sponsors coming on board for a night of music and community. Event to include free parking, vegetarian/vegan food, cash bar, VIP gift bags, open gallery at the museum, photo opportunities, celebrity appearances and camaraderie among members of the animal welfare community including rescuers and volunteer trappers. Ready to purchase your tickets? Buy your tickets, here! [...]