Ordinary Heroes Wanted!

2015-12-07T11:36:46-08:00 May 8th, 2015|Support Our Cause|

FixNation exists to care for the most vulnerable ones.  We are a unique non-profit focused on providing free spay and neuter services for community cats.  Through the practice of humane Trap-Neuter-Return, FixNation breaks the cycle of heartbreak, and improves the lives of our community kitties. Together with their programs, FixNation has fixed over 115,000 kitties since the beginning. FACT: In 7 years, the offspring of 1 unsterilized female cat will produce up to 5,000 cats. Unthinkable! That's 5,000 additional fragile, homeless cats on the streets of L.A. as a result of one unsterilized female and her offspring. For every $55 gift, FixNation can [...]

CatConLA to benefit FixNation!

2015-08-04T13:19:54-07:00 April 8th, 2015|News and Events|

FixNation is beyond honored to have been chosen as the beneficiary of the first ever CatCon!   CatConLa is a two-day weekend event happening in June, 2015, celebrating groundbreaking products and ideas in art and design, pop culture, and attitude… for cat people. Part expo, part symposium, CatConLA showcases the world’s top cat-centric merchandise including furniture, art, toys and clothing for those of us who possess a great love of the feline, as well as conversations with some of the top cat experts in the world. CatConLA will be held June 6-7, 2015 at The Reef, located at 1933 S. Broadway in downtown [...]

Meow, A Real Superhero

2020-03-11T16:39:38-07:00 March 18th, 2015|Happy Tails|

You might find this story hard to believe. You might read it and wonder how it can possibly be true that this kind of hero exists, and wonder how the whole world doesn’t know about her yet. We hope to change that just a little by sharing her greatness with our small enclave, and hopefully by inspiring others to become heroes, too. Meet Meow. No, that’s not her real name but that’s what she goes by. Also meet her daughter, who’s nickname is Kitty. About twenty years ago, Kitty told her mom, a single mother, that she had a special [...]

Cats need vet care, too!

2020-03-11T16:39:44-07:00 March 13th, 2015|Caregiver Tips|

Contrary to what you may think, millions of more cats are owned than dogs in the United States, making kitties the number one pet in America. However, statistics also show that cats visit veterinarians much less frequently than dogs, and of those that do visit the vet, on average it’s a quarter less of the time. Studies prove that older cats frequent the doctor even less often then the sprier members of their generation, resulting a trend of less vet care for cats over time. Why is this? Most feline owners worry about the stress associated with getting their beloved [...]

Every day and in so many ways

2020-04-09T10:11:14-07:00 March 13th, 2015|Support Our Cause|

There are so many ways to support FixNation and be a part of our organization’s growth. Although we love donations, volunteers, and cat trappers everywhere, we know that extra money and time are not always available. That’s why we’ve created more than a few alternatives to keep you plugged in to your generous, cat loving spirit. The kitties of Los Angeles will thank you for it, and so will we! For starters, simply buy the stuff you want and support the charity you love (pick us, please!) at the same time! Whether you shop on Amazon.com (Amazon Smile), Ralph’s Grocery [...]

World Spay Day, 2015

2015-03-25T13:38:35-07:00 February 24th, 2015|News and Events|

Today is World Spay Day, and animal advocates across the country are spreading the word about the urgent need to humanely reduce pet overpopulation.  Over three million healthy cats and dogs are euthanized in U.S. shelters each year - 90% of which are considered adoptable. World Spay Day is an annual campaign to highlight spay/neuter as a mechanism for saving the lives of companion animals, in addition to stray cats and dogs who might otherwise be euthanized.  To help raise awareness of its programs and the importance of spay/neuter, FixNation Co-Founder and Executive Director, Karn Myers, joined with other spay/neuter [...]

How Some Heroic Firemen Saved Shadow

2015-03-25T13:38:49-07:00 January 30th, 2015|Happy Tails|

The heroic firemen of Station 17, located in a hanger within the Burbank Airport, found Shadow earlier this year. Not long after finding her, the firemen noticed Shadow had acquired some horrible burn-type sores across her face and head, perhaps from human abuse or airport chemicals. Shadow wasn’t shy and let the firemen approach her. It was clear she needed immediate care. One fireman knew what to do, and thought immediately of FixNation. FixNation is a non-profit organization that offers low-cost and free care to homeless cats through harm-free catch and release services, spay and neuter treatment, and emergency medical [...]

Why Microchipping Your Cat Is Important

2015-03-25T13:39:11-07:00 January 24th, 2015|Happy Tails, News and Events|

There’s never a dull moment at a spay/neuter cat clinic. We’ve met the best of people, seen kitties with all sorts of personalities, and have had plenty of surprises along the way. But recently we had the pleasure of being a part of a special situation: We were able to reunite a lost cat with his owner.  When one of our volunteers came across a large colony of cats, she decided to try trapping them to be fixed. She was successful, and brought in fourteen felines to be fixed! (Try saying that ten times in a row.) As it turned [...]

2014 in Review

2015-05-08T19:55:52-07:00 January 18th, 2015|News and Events|

It’s important to us that you know how we’re doing. You – our friends, our supporters, our fellow cat aficionados – you are the backbone of FixNation. We are proud to share with you a report on last year’s efforts, and to renew our commitment to helping even more cats this year. Please review the following information at your leisure. In 2014, we helped 16,654 animals, including our Saturday Vaccine and Microchip Clinic clients (dogs and cats) and any cats that were too sick for surgery. We performed almost 14,000 spay and neuter surgeries, and 68% of these spay/neuter surgeries [...]

Santa brings two kitten sisters home for the holidays

2020-03-11T16:39:49-07:00 December 26th, 2014|Happy Tails|

Twas the night before Christmas Eve when all through the house…my phone rang! It was FixNation’s fearless leader, Karn Myers, asking, "Do you have any kittens?" As a foster parent for Cats at the Studios, a local cat rescue group, I responded, “Sure, I always have kittens. Why? What's up?" “Oh, you know, nothing much other than Jay Leno wants to do a Christmas party on the 25th…in two days…and he wants to help cats in the process!” I was not quite sure what this meant but because I trust Karn and am a big Leno fan, I said, "We're in." [...]