First Time Pet Owner? How to Be a Great Pet Parent

2020-02-07T14:16:45-08:00 March 8th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

Written by Guest Blogger, Jessica Brody Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Jonas Vincent The first few days, weeks, or months after bringing home a new pet are a special time. This is a time of transition and bonding. Many pet owners develop deep bonds with their pets and think of them more as “children” than pets. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that there are differences between children and pets and that there will always be some confusion for both you and your pet at times. Here are some tips that can help any first-time pet [...]

FixNation mourns the loss of co-founder, Mark Dodge

2020-02-07T14:14:30-08:00 February 16th, 2017|News and Events|

Mark Dodge, a corporate attorney, cat lover and co-founder of LA-based non-profit FixNation, passed away at his Topanga Canyon home on February 13th after a long battle with ALS. Karn Myers, Mark’s wife of more than 40 years and co-founder/Executive Director of FixNation, is determined to keep their state-of-the-art spay/neuter clinic open and to realize Mark’s ultimate dream—to promote humane practices for controlling the population of homeless cats, not only in Los Angeles but in other communities as well. “When we founded FixNation 10 years ago, Mark was the one who came up with the name. Not FixLA but FixNation. [...]

5 Easy Ways to Show Homeless Cats Some Love 

2020-12-28T07:43:13-08:00 February 13th, 2017|Caregiver Tips, Support Our Cause|

Put out fresh food and water for homeless cats on a regular basis.  Life can be hard when you’re living on the streets and don’t know where your next meal will come from. There are thousands of “feeders” throughout Los Angeles who are a lifeline for hungry homeless kitties. Join us! Learn about TNR and bring stray kitties to get fixed at FixNation. It’s free and super easy. Just fill out an application and register for a free training session. We’ll loan you a humane trap and provide lots of helpful information on how to trap and exactly what to do [...]

Separation Anxiety and Your Cat

2020-04-07T13:21:03-07:00 February 11th, 2017|Caregiver Tips|

Contrary to popular beliefs, cats can and do suffer from separation anxiety. When you’re away at work, doing errands or taking a vacation, your cat may become overly anxious and stressed. You know you’ll be back soon, but your cat doesn’t. How do you know if your cat is suffering from separation anxiety? Some signs include: Spraying Urinating/defecating on bed and clothing Scratching furniture Inappropriate chewing Damaging planters Excessive self-grooming Refusing to eat while you’re away Increased vocalization and clinginess before you leave and after you return Some guardians think their cat is mad and getting “even” or is mean-spirited. [...]

10 Questions for Michele Guzy, Animal Communicator

2017-06-23T07:04:27-07:00 February 10th, 2017|Happy Tails|

1. What exactly does an animal communicator do? Animal Communication is the ability to talk with an animal telepathically.  An Animal Communicator is a person that is able to send and receive messages to these animals through various methods such as creating images, feelings, thoughts and/or physical sensations. Many people call it a psychic ability. That is actually something very different. Animal communication is a direct form of communication with your pet that doesn’t involve reading body language or making assumptions based on current or past behavior.  Most animal communicators work with just a description or a picture of the animal instead [...]

Happy Tail! Cassius

2017-02-14T09:49:24-08:00 November 16th, 2016|Happy Tails|

We thought we’d share another FixNation success story with you! Read on: We borrowed a cat trap from FixNation in late May/early June of this year. It took us a few days of setting the trap and hiding out, but we eventually caught the sick kitty with the collar around his neck. He had really bad mange, but we gave him the shots (thanks to FixNation) and now he is all better. Anyway, just wanted to send you some photos of him now. We named him Cassius. If it weren't for Fix Nation, and you letting us borrow that trap, we don't know how [...]

What to do if your cat or kitten gets a bee sting

2020-02-07T14:23:32-08:00 November 5th, 2016|Caregiver Tips|

by Leigh Marcos Bee stings are not unusual occurrences when kittens play outdoors. If your pet is stung by a bee, there are certain things you have to know before attempting bee sting relief at home. The first step is to confirm if your kitten has been, indeed, bitten by a bee. Watch out for physical symptoms such as swelling or inflammation. The paws and noses are common areas for bee stings. You can also observe the behavior of pets such as restlessness, nervousness and loud noises. Next, you have to determine what type of insect bit your feline friend. [...]

Q&A with FixNation’s volunteer cat behaviorist, Mirian Hasani

2020-02-07T14:24:05-08:00 November 5th, 2016|Caregiver Tips|

 How did you get involved in animal behavior and pet psychology? First and foremost, I am fascinated by cats and what they do and I have a deep connection with them. The real reason, though, is a sad one. Over the years, as I’ve transported cats to and from local shelters and sanctuaries, I’ve encountered many cats that have been “surrendered” by their guardians. It is the saddest thing. Pet cats know they are being separated from the home and family that they love, and some cry all the way to the destination.Some reasons to surrender cats are totally justified, [...]

FixNation’s Day of the Dead Altar Honors Departed Cats

2020-02-07T14:23:46-08:00 November 5th, 2016|News and Events|

FixNation made its 7th appearance at LA’s annual Dia de los Muertos celebration at Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Saturday, October 29, an event that draws tens of thousands of visitors each year. From noon to midnight, visitors flocked to FixNation’s cat-themed memorial altar. The altar incorporated a number of traditional Dia de los Muertos elements representing earth, wind, fire and water, as well as incense, marigolds and elaborately decorated skull masks and figurines. The owners of Hollywood Forever came to FixNation years ago to spay and neuter all the community cats living on the cemetery grounds. Thanks to their generosity, [...]

Halloween Safety Tips for Cats

2016-11-05T07:07:58-07:00 October 28th, 2016|Caregiver Tips|

  Halloween can be an especially stressful time for our feline friends. Here’s how you can help keep them comfortable, safe and anxiety-free on the spookiest night of the year: Cat treats only Sweet treats can make your cat very sick so keep all candy and chocolate out of reach. If you suspect your cat has eaten something dangerous, call your vet or a Poison Control Center ASAP. Keep kitty inside Cats are often subjected to harsh abuse on Halloween, so it’s best to keep them inside—especially cats that are black or orange. Just in case, make sure that all [...]