Halloween: Protecting your black cats

2013-10-28T13:15:32-07:00 October 15th, 2013|Caregiver Tips|

Every October, Halloween ushers in its unique kind of fun in the form of pumpkins, candy, and costumes. Spider webs and creepy decorations set the stage for parties, ghost stories and trick-or-treating. It is important to remember that what is holiday fun for humans can be hazardous for four-legged friends. Halloween is the busiest time of year for the Pet Poison hotline because pets often accidentally ingest Halloween candy or décor. Two simple tips will help keep your furry friends safe this Halloween: Keep pets inside around Halloween and away from visiting ghouls and goblins during trick-or-treating. Animals can become scared of [...]

Come Celebrate National Feral Cat Day with FixNation on Oct. 16th

2013-11-18T12:54:08-08:00 October 9th, 2013|News and Events|

All are welcome to join FixNation and Best Friends Animal Society for a National Feral Cat Day Celebration! Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4pm to 9pm at FixNation Headquarters 7680 North Clybourn Avenue Los Angeles, CA 91352   Arrive early and be one of the first 75 people to receive a goodie bag!   The day will be complete with music, awards, margaritas, and tasty Mexican vegan and vegetarian food.   This is a FREE EVENT, but we encourage you to RSVP   Since 2007, FixNation has been committed to offering support and services to promote the welfare of cats across Los Angeles. [...]

Special Event: “The Paw Project” Film Screening on Oct. 19th, 11am

2020-04-09T10:12:20-07:00 October 9th, 2013|Happy Tails|

Join FixNation in the benefit screening of The PawProject, a film that addresses the inhumane treatment of cats through declawing. This event will take place Saturday October 19th at 11am, at Laemmle Monica located on 1332 2nd Street Santa Monica, CA. FixNation is a nonprofit located in the San Fernando Valley that is committed to the welfare of cats. Among its many noteworthy contributions are training and equipment for Trap-Neuter-Return, a free full-time spay and neuter clinic for cats, and guidance on caring for feral colonies. Their generous efforts have made resources and education accessible to the public, greatly improving [...]

Ship Cats: Service Animals in Wartime

2020-03-11T16:40:11-07:00 September 19th, 2013|Happy Tails|

This Month FixNation’s Medical Director, Dr. Kerri Anderson, is taking a break from writing about health and medical concerns in cats and writing about cats in history. We all think of service dogs, but since humans took to the sea- up to about World War II- we had service cats! Commonly known as ship cats, there have been several famous kitties keeping our servicemen company throughout history. Their roles have been to help with everything from rodent control to improving troop morale. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as we did!   Every soldier needs a Kitten Cam Accessory [...]

Heather Moyer | Volunteer of the Month, Sep 2013

2013-11-18T12:51:31-08:00 September 19th, 2013|Happy Tails|

Name: Heather Moyer About: I'm an attorney from Amish Country Pennsylvania, and I moved to Los Angeles just over a year ago with my two rescue cats. In the past year, three strays in my neighborhood decided that I should be their forever momma, and I gladly complied. City and neighborhood: Glassell Park, Los Angeles but originally from Lancaster, PA. Years volunteering at FixNation: A little over one year What brought you to want to volunteer for FixNation: Volunteering is very important to me, so as soon as I moved to Los Angeles, I began looking for a place to [...]

Mark’s Monthly Meow, Vol. 2: Cat Names

2020-04-09T10:12:14-07:00 September 18th, 2013|Happy Tails|

Over the years, it has been my experience that most pet cats are given names that, while they may be cute, or mean something to their guardians, have nothing to do with the appearance or personality of the cats in question. I do not intend this statement as criticism, merely an observation – and one that applies as much to me as anyone. In my case, the names fitting this description include Chloe, Happy, Seymour, Bentley, Simon, Mandy, Shadow, Magic, Angel and Dulce – all truly cherished felines and each special in his or her own way, grouped together here [...]

Mark’s Monthly Meow: How Mark became a Catman

2020-04-09T10:12:03-07:00 August 8th, 2013|News and Events|

FixNation is pleased and proud to announce that our Co-Founder and Corporate President, Mark Dodge, has introduced "Mark's Monthly Meow" as a new feature of our Website. This is Mark's monthly blog on matters we trust our followers and viewers will find interesting and enjoyable to read. His first installment, on how Mark became a Catman, is presented below. Photos taken by Mark on his 2010 Africa trip. I would like to share with you how I became enthralled with cats…To do so properly, please let me set the scene. I was born on the leading edge of America’s Baby [...]

Lemonade Stand Benefiting FixNation held by FixNation’s Youngest Supporter Yet!

2020-04-09T10:11:56-07:00 August 6th, 2013|Happy Tails, Support Our Cause|

On May 11th, our client Mark Miller came into the clinic with his granddaughter Mikayla to make a donation.  This donation was something special - Mikayla had put together a lemonade stand to raise money for the kitties serviced by FixNation. She worked the lemonade stand and raised $25 for us! We are so elated by Mikayla’s passion and effort that we had to share it with you all! In Mikayla’s own words - “I helped my papa Mark feed the cats by his work, he told me Karn at FixNation helped fix the cats so there would not be more homeless cats. [...]

Caring for Senior Cats

2020-03-11T16:40:25-07:00 August 6th, 2013|Caregiver Tips|

As our beloved kitties age, there are many changes they will experience. Just like people every kitty ages differently, some will be 17 years going on 9 and some will be 9 in years and 17 in body age. Common changes you may notice as cats age are: Confusion (getting trapped in corners or forgetting the location of the litter box) Increased attention seeking (or less commonly, aggression) Increased irritability or anxiety • Changes in sleeping patterns Forgetting commands (yes, there are a few cats in the world who follow them) Loss of housetraining Reduced activity Decreased grooming Common health [...]